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psychoceramics: Alien Classifications

psychoceramics: Alien Classifications


Subject: psychoceramics: Alien Classifications
From: Rax
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 17:43:26 -0700
Sender: owner-psychoceramics


This should make everything perfectly clear...

--------------------Begin Forwarded Message----------------------------

Posted by : "[ UASR ]> Perry"


Who's Who of Aliens Visiting/Living on Earth

1. Extraterrestrials
2. Interdimensionals
3. Terrans (of Earth)


1. Human Appearing

a) Aliens looking like Humans
i) Koidasians
ii) Itibians
iii) Ashtarians
iv) Pleiadeans
v) Dals
vi) "Nordics"
vii) Gray controlled bio-drones
viii) Droids
ix) Others

b) Earth humans from another time/space
i) Future same space
ii) Future parallel world space
iii) Present parallel world space

2. 'Humanoid' appearing

a) Smooth skinned
i) Akartians
ii) Iargans
iii) Others
iv) Orion Betelgeuseans
v) Talls
vi) Oranges
vii) Human/Gray interbreeds
ix) Dwarfs
x) Hairies (yeti type)
xi) Ummo's

b) Scaly supersomooth skinned (Saurian)
i) Zeta Reticulans
ii) Orion Betelgeuseans (big nosed, medium eyes)
iii) Gray big eyes, no nose, 5 feet or more
iv) Gray big eyes, no nose, 3 feet tall
v) Green big eyes, photosynthetic

c) Scaly rough skinned
i) Reptilian slit nose
ii) Reptilians with nose
iii) Reptilian with various color skins

3. Non-humanoid - Unknown


1. Human appearing

a) Earth humans from another time/space
b) Aliens disguised as human
c) aliens from another time/space
d) Projections/holograms
e) Poltergeists

2. Humanoid appearing

a) Many of extraterrestrials with dimensional travel

3. Non-humanoid

a) Physical
i) unknown

b) Semi-physical
i) EM spectrum limited
ii) Can periodically 'manifest' as physical
iii) 'Refined' physical, maybe not visible at all

c) Non-physical
i) were humanoid/human at one time
ii) never humanoid, parallel dimensions
iii) never physical, spiritual dimension

Terrans (of Earth)

1. Human appearing - these are beings which are ostensibly physical in form,
appear to be living on earth, in disguise or genuinely human
but are recent colonists, covertly or overtly executing
missions or learnings, unconsciously or consciously. They can
be medically identical or just appear the same. You would not
know it if you saw and spoke to one.

a) Earth humans masquerading as aliens

i) Secret government agency operations - psychological warfare ops,
anti-alien tactics, social control tactics, etc.
ii) Humans under covert influence of aliens - either from aliens living
on earth, or from aliens using remote mind control
from craft or other dimensions
iii) 'Star-people' - from those people of the 'new age' type who are
fashioning a relatively harmless identity, to real
ones, to those who are trying to develop cult

b) Aliens masquerading as humans
i) Pleiadeans - a common 'source' reference
ii) Gray controlled bio-drones, droids
iii) Gray controlled MIBS/holograms, projections
iv) Nordics - nordic/arian race forefathers
v) Koldasians - similar level of evolution
vi) Ashtarians - quite advanced technical
vii) Others - certainly there are more

c) Aliens who are unconscious social 'plants'
i) Pleiadians - 'immaculate' embryo implants
ii) Ashtarians - 'Jesus Sananda' 'confederation'
iii) Others

d) Aliens minding own business, isolated
i) Pleiadeans
ii) others - Nordics, Yeti, etc.

e) Aliens minding our business, remoted
i) Pleiadeans - under Ashtarian command
ii) Kamagolians - 'Fatima' group

f) Earthkind descended from Aliens
i) Different races - yellow, black, white, red, etc
ii) Most recent - Basques

2. Humanoid appearing
a) Dwarfs
b) Reptilian
c) Yeti, Bigfoot
d) Bafath
e) Gray skin with large black eyes
f) Dark large headed insect-like

3. Non-humanoid

Note (comment by me James):

All of the above is taken from Nexus Seven Apotheosis. Is there any aliens that
they missed mentioning? Perhaps we can add more (as updates).

Anyway. 200 years from now. I guess I can see sort of the following in the

Aliens Registration Act

Under ARA (Aliens Registration Act) by Federations Directive. All ETs on
Earth must Register. Failure to do so will be punishable by Expulsion and
Blacklisting from Earth courtesy of Federations White Ops. (7/1/2300)

Posted by : "[ UASR ]> Perry"
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Dreadlocks on white boys give me the willies.

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